Phrasal prosody disambiguates syntax
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منابع مشابه
The Role of Syntax in the Nuclear Stress Rule
How directly the operation of phrasal stress placement refers to syntax is theory-dependent: directly in some (e.g., Truckenbrodt 1995, Kahnemuyipour 2009), indirectly in others (e.g., Chomsky & Halle 1968, Halle & Vergnaud 1987). Adequately evaluating this issue requires knowing both the relevant syntactic structure(s) as well as how syntax interacts with phonology – neither is trivial. This p...
متن کاملSyntax and Prosody in Kashaya Phrasal Accent
This paper explores the nature of prosodic phrasing in Kashaya, an endangered language of northern California, as diagnosed by the location of accent. Previous work has reported that iambic feet are constructed across prosodic phrases that can consist of multiple words, but there has been little research into how these pphrases interact with syntactic constituency. We propose an alignment analy...
متن کاملOn the prosody and syntax of DPs: Evidence from Italian noun adjective sequences
The opposition between Nand NP-raising is central to the debate about the representation of DPs, yet it often eludes syntactic testing. The two hypotheses are however distinguished by the prosodic phrasing they predict. This paper presents the results of an experiment designed to test the prosodic phrasing of Italian N-A and A-N sequences as signaled by the lengthening effects induced by prosod...
متن کاملIntonation and Syntax in Spoken Language Systems
Phrasal intonation is notorious for a tendency to perceptually segment the word-string of a spoken utterance into groups which may violate orthodox syntactic notions of constituency. For example, the normal prosody for the answer (b) to the following question (a) imposes the intonational constituency indicated by the brackets (stress, marked in this case by raised pitch, is indicated by capit a...
متن کاملDeconstructing the nuclear stress algorithm: Evidence from second language speech!
The relation between focus and prosody has long been recognized (Halliday 1967, 1970; Chomsky 1971; JackendoV 1972), but it remains an issue of contention as to how this relation is established. On the one hand, focus has an eVect on grammatical meaning. On the other hand, phrasal prominence plays an important role in determining which parts of the sentence can be interpreted as focused, i.e. a...
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